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Telling Your Truth

What Is A Truth-Telling Statement?

A truth-telling statement is a way for people to share their personal truths about harm or injustice they have experienced by State of Vermont laws and policies. It helps others understand what happened and can lead to healing, accountability, and positive change.

Who Are VTRC Truth-Tellers?

The VTRC is mandated to examine discrimination that has happened because of state of Vermont laws and policies.  The mandate specifically names the following groups of people:

  • Individuals who identify as Native American or Indigenous;
  • Individuals with physical, psychiatric, or mental conditions or disability, and the families of individuals with the physical, psychiatric or mental health condition or disability;
  • Black individuals and other individuals of color;
  • Individuals with French Canadian, French- Indian or other mixed ethnic or racial heritage;
  • The Commission has voted to investigate discrimination experienced by children, past and present, as a vulnerable population. 

Why Provide A Truth Statement?

Providing a statement is a powerful opportunity to share your experiences and perspective.  By contributing your voice, you honor your truth and play a vital role in creating a shared future for all Vermonters.

What you share will create a public record of this injustice and will be stored at the Vermont State Archives and Records Administration. It will also help the VTRC recommend changes to Vermont systems and laws to the legislature.

Where Can I Tell My Truth?

The VTRC will be collecting truth statements throughout 2025.  Telling your truth is an individual process and the VTRC has committed to several ways for people to tell their truths, including one or more of the following:

* Confidential options are available. 

See Confidentiality Information

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