The Vermont Truth and Reconciliation Commission (VTRC) believes that a person’s ability to fully participate in matters that affect them/her/him is a human right. In this spirit, VTRC has created and will continue to revise accessibility protocols that ensure Vermonters full access.
The VTRC is committed to creating equitable and accessible in-person activities and virtual events. The VTRC is taking guidance from State disability organizations and local activists that shape and advocate for accessible protocols and practices.
Effort has been made to avoid complex language and maintain people-first language. Terms used are meant to reflect the variedness of humans. Like other entities of the State, the VTRC aims to make all aspects of its charge inclusive and reflective of human diversity.
The VTRC recognizes that disabilities might take a range of forms, including intellectual, mental or physical. Please contact the VTRC team at VTRC@vermont.gov to request accessible services for in-person or virtual meetings or events.
Accessibility Supports
VTRC has supportive protocols for,
Language Access, for example, “plain language” or descriptions
Visual, for example Alt Text and dictation
Hearing, for example closed caption
Physical, for example noise-diluting devices and HEPA filters
Psychological, for example trauma-informed communication
Accessibility Standard
VTRC’s primary guidance on accessibility standards comes from Vermont’s Developmental Disabilities Council, Office of Racial Equity, the Agency of Human Services, and individuals who are shaping accessibility protocols for the aforementioned organizations.
Known Issues/Limitations
It is VTRC’s belief that accessibility limitations reflect the social context that created the restrictions. VTRC is committed to consistent and rigorous examination of areas that need improvement. For example, the VTRC’s consistent use of “plain language” is a work-in-progress. The VTRC was envisioned to be collaborative and community-driven. VTRC welcomes feedback and suggestions from the public to aid in increasing its accessibility.
Means to Submit Feedback and Request Services
If you speak or use a language other than English, we offer free language assistance services. Please visit our Language Services page for more information.
To submit feedback regarding accessibility, please email VTRC at VTRC@vermont.gov.